Reflective Renewal Journey

A journey of self-awareness and reflection through faith. See how we are learning to let go of control, practice gratitude, release expectations, and self-reflect…finding increasing peace by living a life of reflective renewal one day at a time with God!

A New Way to Live

Reflective Renewal is a place we share where we are stuck and are learning to turn our will and our lives over to God moment by moment. We will share where we are gaining awareness as we reflect on our behaviors, motives, perspective, fears, desires, expectations, feelings, and reactions and learn to give those to God. We share where we are learning to practice gratitude and asking God for help when we struggle to do it. As we invite the Holy Spirit to come in and transform us, we share where we are beginning to feel more and more of His peace and changing to better reflect the light, person, and character of Jesus.
We pray that God speaks to you through our stories and personal journeys. We pray they will bless you and stretch you and that you will be encouraged and lifted up. We pray the Holy Spirit meets you where you are at in your story as you read ours. Most importantly we pray that God’s glory would be revealed and His light would shine as you journey with us.

We look forward to sharing this journey with you and are excited that you are here!
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A New Way to Live