
Welcome to Reflective Renewal

We are two friends that started a journey of a personal recovery. What we found was so much more than we ever imagined! Peace, freedom, and faith just to name a few. Our belief is that every person should have the same opportunity to take this journey; to be able to live the life that God has intended for all of us. So, God placed a big dream on our hearts.  A dream of people being able to know God and themselves better, and to find their purpose and life in Him by bringing the same recovery principles, ideas, self-reflection and God’s ways of living that we were learning and putting into practice, to the whole world. So, we began the slow process of writing down ideas, brainstorming, and building this website; challenging work for 2 people who have no formal training in any of this stuff, but that is often how God works.  He’s been with us every step of the way, illuminating our path one step at a time; and we’re just trusting Him in the process.  May God’s glory be revealed in us and you as we take this journey together. 

~Shelby and Sue