I have been blessed to have the gift of strong faith my whole life. I have never questioned that God is always there holding my hand and guiding me. That faith, along with my spiritual gift of service, has given me a wonderful foundation. Until a few years ago, I thought that was enough.

I am fortunate to have met Sue and our friendship has grown over the years. As she began her own personal journey of recovery, I have been able to share in that journey. While Sue’s journey has been that of leaps and bounds; I have just been in the background picking up the crumbs here and there. As I did so, I was so amazed at the eye opening and wonderful concepts that she was applying to her life and I was seeing in mine. 

My heart has almost always had peace and freedom. I thought that if I lead by example that would be enough; however, my example needed to be supported not only by my actions, but with words as well. I discovered that the methods that I naturally apply to my own life are not typically the words that I share with others. I have a tendency to fall into the way of the world by agreeing with someone’s offense and fanning the flames of their fire. I usually validate them with words of a fool (What would the world do?) and I struggle to speak words of the wise (What would Jesus do?). I struggle to understand their feelings and then share my own method of thinking, feeling, choosing to let it go and the peace of God knowing ‘I will be okay.” 

Recovery is allowing me to start to put words to many of my thoughts and the ability to share the life that God has intended for all of us. I truly believe that the whole world should have the opportunity to hear and apply recovery and integrate it with their faith.

My prayer for you as you begin your own journey of Reflective Renewal is that you will also find the faith, freedom, and peace that we are finding along the journey.

We look forward to you joining a growing group of people who are discovering a new way of living the life that God has intended for each and every one of us. In this new way of living we are allowing ourselves to be freed of worldly desires that keep us enslaved and creating a beautiful relationship with God that is built on boundaries not rules, love and faith not fear, grace not unrighteous vengeance, and releasing control to allow Him to do his will.    

2 Corinthians 3:12 “Since we have such a hope, we are very bold.”

2 Corinthians 3:4 “It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own, Our qualification comes for God.”