

In a discussion where I may not agree with someone’s viewpoint, I try to listen and consider both sides of the conversation as reasonable. However, I have noticed I have a tendency to try to force them to look at it from my perspective. It has been frustrating to me that what I was saying would not even be considered. How is it that I am giving consideration to their views and thoughts but none was given back in regard to mine? And why is it so frustrating?

I have come to realize that in those conversations I think that I am being humble, loving and respectful because I am listening and hearing the other person’s views and thoughtfully considering what they have said. I get annoyed because I don’t feel they are offering me that same courtesy by being willing to consider my perspective. So, I have attempted to humble them by pressing them to look at it from my viewpoint and offer me the same dignity and respect I believe I have offered them.

However, recently I have realized that trying to convince others to look at my perspective is not a humble act but rather an attempt to influence. My desire to humble them is not humble at all. This revelation has prompted me to examine myself more closely. I have come to the understanding that true humility is not proclaimed but rather demonstrated. It is not merely the absence of arrogance or self-importance; rather, it is a virtue that is both seen and felt. It involves acknowledging the value and validity of other people’s perspectives, even when they don’t see mine.  Humility comes from within and should not be used as a tool to convince anyone that what I think and believe is reasonable.

When I acknowledge and hear other people’s thoughts and views without trying to force them to look at things another way, I create an environment that encourages open conversation and growth. By adopting this approach, I can cultivate humility within myself and create meaningful conversations that can lead to respect and understanding.

Practice for Today

Today I will work on understanding that the responsibility of changing someone’s perspective lies solely with them and their relationship with God. It is enlightening to realize that if I focus on my own personal growth and self-awareness, I gain clarity on the things I do and shift my focus by providing understanding and empathy. I will reflect on my own motives and strive for genuine humility in all my interactions.

Proverbs 11:2  When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

A New Way to Live